The products selected for routine scrubbing of floors, cages, and litter pans are extremely important in the control of disease and odour.
Tips of Cattery Cleaning
The products selected for routine scrubbing of floors, cages, and litter pans are extremely important in the control of disease and odour. Several of these concentrates which are specifically designed for animals are available through your veterinarian. These products list the specific micro-organisms against which they are effective. Small amounts of liquid bleach added to a good household detergent makes an effective disinfectant and is lethal to fungus. Avoid any product containing phenol.
Litter boxes should be completely changed and scrubbed at least once a week. Not only is this a good sanitary practice, but it also breaks up the reproductive cycle of roundworms. The walls of the cattery need to be washed down periodically.
Both Anistel and AniGene are ideal disinfectants for your cattery.