Keeping your dog kennels clean and tidy for your dog benefits their health and lifestyle more than you would think.
Keeping your dog kennels clean and tidy for your dog benefits their health and lifestyle more than you would think.
Bacteria can spread quickly in a dog kennel, even more so if there is more than one dog living in it. Cross contamination can occur, and a parasite called the Giardia which is often found in soiled kennels, can pose a threat to your dog. Other viruses are commonly found in dirty kennels, so it is always important to keep your kennels clean and fresh. For outdoor dog kennels, a weekly clean should be scheduled to rid of the dirt, bacteria and germs.
To clean your kennel, it is always a good idea to have a non-toxic commercial cleaner as this is easier and takes less time, as well as being good to your environment and home. If you don’t have this available, you can also use a homemade mixture of baking soda and lemon, or unscented soap.
You must clean every surface, and make sure all items kept inside for the dog to eat, sleep and play with are all out of reach during the cleaning process. These should all be washed separately. For indoor dog kennels, a monthly clean should be suitable. Lastly, clean the whole kennel with hot water and dry it off with a clean towel. Once dried, add clean bedding and original items.